Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Like You the Best

O sad neglected corner of Internet Space. Don't bat those sad, tired eyes at me like I know what empathy is.

You know you're my favorite, my little surrogate Tweetlonger service that you are.

With that out of the way (maybe there are people watching) the question for the day is:

Why do people make phone calls when they are standing in line waiting for something else, e.g.

*Bring* *Bring* (Although my phone ring is more like 'Check it out, check it out, check out,' courtesy of some Mary van Note voice thievery)

Me: Hallo (Affected Brit-person accent and all)

Friend: Hey man, oh hold on a second I need to make this order cause it's my turn in line.

Me: OH OK (Nodding silently to the beat of imaginary hold music)

(The rest is irrelevant)

Seriously. If American schools aren't going to teach civics they should at least teach cell phone etiquette. DON'T CALL ME IF YOU'RE NOT READY TO TALK!

I love y'all but come on: Spare me.

So, ummmm, how y'all doing anyway? Anything cool happen lately? Discuss.

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