Thursday, August 30, 2012

You couldn't argue the girl.
(You wouldn't swallow hot coals either)

But you grabbed,
Plunged, mouth first

An errant stunt-moron
A one person tunnel boring machine

Cutting holes of the 6 ft deep vintage

Singe the flesh from your lips,
Burn through your esophagus

They'll cheer you in the ICU
She'll celebrate your recovery

Maybe concede a draw
(With caveats and conditions)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


An agreed inclination
Towards the guiltiest of the guilty pleasures
Like the flip side of each others favorite coin
Dipped in the same essence
Half-formed in separate wombs
With a shared secret handshake

Monday, August 20, 2012


2 Followers on my pr0n blog!!!

You have no idea how much this means to me.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Stepping into the cipher uninvited
Offering unsolicited opinions
In trade for a social proof

"I thought you knew them?"
Heads shaking "No" in unison
When blessed with your absence

Still lingering like smoky tendrils of stolen essence
Replaced with a cheap whiskey hangover
An aftertaste of stale entitlement

Thursday, August 9, 2012

An Old Poem

My grip is tighter
My vice, more painful
I squeeze her in joy
Hold close to my heart

An earful of pain
Persist against her wishes
If I squeeze harder
She'll know I'm for real!

I can't hear protests
Her pleas or anger
I feel her heart beating
This is love, I must know

When she bursts in joy
The finalization upon me
Leaves nothing, confusion.
So empty, alone.

You People

Don't even slow down to throw tomatoes much less wave.

But I adore you, my silent audience.

Rest assured if you're reading these words and coming back for more you have my gratitude.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How it Feels

Like running headfirst into an apparition
Desperate to recreate an embrace that never existed
With a person known only through the secondhand memory of a rival
When losing the argument with your reflection in a pocket mirror
Becomes the setup for the kind of revelation
That sees you waking underneath the crushing onslaught
Of neverending tidal shifts that you've no choice but to swim against
For the amusement of the masses that can't even fake interest
At the tiny, struggling image of you, tucked away
in the corner of their mind's eye.