Thursday, November 17, 2011

Slightly Unique

Never rushing to the stage to turn themselves inside out
Most keep their secrets
Hoarding their uniqueness
Priding themselves on things that separate

Ask the kid why he smokes
He'll spin yarns about his Father, the coolest cat he ever knew
He leans on the bar and orders a drink
Like how he saw some guy do it in a movie

Ask the kid his favorite color
He'll tell you of a girl, love unrequited
She'd never remember his name
Or spot him in a crowd

But she remembers, just like she remembers her Aunt
Would wear her hair a certain way
When she misses her most, she combs her hair the same
A faded memory her only model

Because the pictures, unbearable to look at
Are tucked away in a box along with the love letters
The old words always fresh
To eyes that never stop changing

People rush to the stage to find that they're other people
There are always other people on the stage
All clamoring with one voice
Saying the same thing to each other

Saying the things people have always said to each other
Seeking individual rewards
For the uniqueness that we all possess

Thursday, November 10, 2011


They know the type:
Eyes aglow, honey coated words flow
From lips intimate with many a neck's quiver
Promise givers and breakers
Shining like the sun,
Spotted from miles away

What Do You Call

That moment in life when you wake up and realize that you're Dmitri Karamazov?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


It is a curious thing to deal with the emotional burden of a piece I haven't written but one that I know I must write, one that will challenge the essence of my being.

Yes friends, I have banged out many words while tears have streamed down my cheeks and I'm not embarrassed to admit that.

I'm a sentimental motherfucker after all all... but I'll elaborate at one of my other internet-hidey holes later.

You know where I be, right?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Probably One of the Bigger Problems in Life Is That

Exes never really stop being hot do they? Most of the time when the wheels come off a relationship, looks have little to do with it, right? Conversely how many relationships begin with simple physical attraction?

I'm gonna throw out a number here and say: Lots.

Yes, I am happily in love, married and living with the girl of my dreams but Facebook ain't doing me any favors when certain ladies update their profile pics.

Did I say that all out loud?


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

For the Frauds

The thing that bothers me most about sometimey folks who find friendship a matter of proximity is the nagging feeling that these same folks who smile in my face are the same people who think that I'd associate myself with a wack project. The same folks who snicker behind my back and assume I'm not serious about creating even though they have no idea what I'm on about these days.

Well, you don't have to pay lip service to my ideas. Ever. I'd prefer if you didn't really. I don't need phony ass smoke blown at me or one person's approval to justify doing what I do. I'm not interested in having the conversation where I talk about what I'm up to just to watch someone's disinterested eyes glaze over either.

Fuck all that.

Support my work or don't but don't speak out of one side of your mouth if you feel a different way about it especially if you've never experienced it. We're better off not talking at all if that's the case.

Don't pretend to care if it means nothing to you and we'll get along just fine. I catch you blowing smoke at me, there's gonna be problems.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hiding behind a gaze of steel, a charm throwing spotlight and a shark fin, I swim with them.

Barely elevating myself above piranha bait. How could I know? A well disguised nibble might feel like something different even as the blood flows into the water and sparks the feeding frenzy.

The blood is the proof.

Sharks smell blood which would help me, were I one.

I'm not a shark

Just a guy with a detachable shark fin who thinks he can swim with the piranhas and come out unscathed.